
AC-5 - Large/Coarse Speckled


Coarse speckles across all nucleoplasm. The nucleoli may be stained or not stained. Mitotic cells (metaphase, anaphase, and telophase) have the chromatin mass not stained. e.g. anti-Sm, anti-U1 RNP.

Associação Antigênica

hnRNP, U1RNP, Sm, RNA polymerase III.

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Present to a varying degree in distinct SARD, in particular SLE, SSc, MCTD, SSc-AIM overlap syndrome, and UCTD (i.e, patients with rheumatic symptoms without a definite SARD diagnosis).
If SLE is clinically suspected, it is recommended to perform follow-up tests for anti-Sm and anti-U1RNP antibodies; these antigens are commonly included in the routine ENA profile; anti-Sm antibodies are included in the classification criteria for SLE.
If SSc is clinically suspected, it is recommended to perform a follow-up test for anti-RNApol III antibodies (e.g., SSc profile*); the anti-RNApol III antibodies are included in the classification criteria for SSc.
If MCTD is clinically suspected, it is recommended to perform a follow-up test for anti-U1RNP antibodies; the antigen is commonly included in the routine ENA profile; anti-U1RNP antibodies are included in the diagnostic criteria for MCTD.
If the SSc-AIM overlap syndrome is clinically suspected, it is recommended to perform follow-up tests for anti-U1RNP and anti-Ku antibodies; these antigens are included in the routine ENA profile (U1RNP), or in disease specific immunoassays (Ku, i.e., inflammatory myopathy profile and SSc profile)
In non-SARD individuals in the general population, the presence of the AC-5 pattern is not associated with the autoantigens mentioned above and most often concerns low antibody titers.

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Occasionally, autoantibodies revealing the AC-5 pattern are reactive with RNP other than U1RNP, for instance U2RNP (associated with SSc-AIM overlap syndrome) or U11/U12RNP (associated with SSc); these autoantibodies can be detected by immunoprecipitation.
Specific immunoassays for these autoantibodies are currently not commercially available.


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