
AC-24 - Centrosome


Distinct centrioles (1-2/cell) in cytoplasm and at the poles of mitotic spindle.

Associação Antigênica

pericentrin, ninein, Cep250, Cep110

Doenças Associadas

Rare in SSc, Raynaud`s phenomenon, infections (viral and mycoplasma)

Relevâncias Clínicas - Primeiro nível

"Within the spectrum of the SARD, the AC-24 pattern is found in patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon, localized scleroderma, SSc, SLE and RA, either alone or in combination with other SSc-associated antibodies; 102–105 "
Antigens recognized include ?-enolase, ?-enolase, ninein, Cep-250, Mob1, PCM-1/2, pericentrin; specific immunoassays for these autoantibodies are currently not commercially available
Possible association with malignancies; autoantibodies reacting with antigens in centrosomes are frequently found in sera of patients with breast cancer
The AC-24 pattern has low positive predictive value for any disease

Relevâncias Clínicas - Segundo nível

Possible association with infections; described in children with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection
Autoantibodies to ?-enolase, ?-enolase, Mob1, PCM-1/2, and pericentrin have been described in children with cerebellar ataxia after varicella infection; one patient with hyperthyroidism and vague muscle pain and one patient with Raynaud’s phenomenon, both without evidence of a SARD, had antibodies to ?-enolase and ?-enolase
With respect to autoantibodies to ninein and Cep-250, there is no apparent correlation between serum autoantibody reactivity and the clinical diagnosis; reported in RA and SLE
Most reports describe autoantibodies directly binding to specific antigens (i.e., antigen-specific immunoassays) and do not actually show correlations with the AC-24 pattern as such; specific immunoassays for these autoantibodies are currently not commercially available.


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